Counselling & Psychotherapy in Cottingham

Contact me - 07598 237236

  Our mental health is every bit as important as our physical health and deserves just as much care and attention.

Hello- I’m Sue, a psychotherapeutic Counsellor living and working in Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Does this sound like you?Photo of Sue

When I first meet new clients, they often have a range of physical symptoms, some of which they may not be aware of, or may not associate with how they are feeling emotionally.

They may have a tight chest, ‘palpitations’, or be feeling depleted of energy, like they are running on empty.

They may be feeling overwhelmed, lacking patience with those around them, be  having panic attacks, flashbacks, or just feeling on edge.

Many of my clients suspect that somewhere in their past, possibly in their childhood, they have had some trauma or upsetting experiences that could be at the heart of what they are now feeling.


If this sounds like you then you are not alone.

Everyone is different. We all experience and process things in different ways.

It maybe that you are not experiencing a crisis right now, but are looking for a greater understanding of yourself. Or maybe you are wanting to be able to communicate more effectively with family and friends. The creative activities that I offer can be a great way to tap into your inner world and learn more about how you tick. This something I have personally benefitted from.

Everyone brings their own unique experience to therapy. But the one thing that all my clients have in common is a desire for something to be different. They want to handle situations more positively, feel better equipped to cope and have a more optimistic outlook. Counselling and psychotherapy can help with this.


The good news is that you can feel better


A strong, safe and empathic therapeutic relationship is key to successful outcomes in therapy. pic of sandtray with symbols

As a psychotherapeutic counsellor, I offer a safe and supportive environment in a quiet residential area of Cottingham, where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. We will work together to identify the underlying causes of your distress and, ideally, help you learn to manage any physical and emotional symptoms you may be currently experiencing.

Whilst talking is often central to my work, there are many creative ways for you to express yourself. If you do not feel able to talk about what is on your mind, you might prefer to draw or create something, for example, in sand or clay. We will find what works best for you.



How I can help

I have experience helping clients deal with past and current trauma. I can help you to find ways to manage the physical and psychological symptoms you may be experiencing due to past trauma or other mental health issues. Together, we can also explore the root causes of your feelings, thoughts and behaviours and develop ways of being that work for you.

Trauma can take many forms. It could be anything from being sent to Boarding School (a childhood experience of my own that I talk about here), being in foster care, or being adopted, your parents getting divorced, to physical, emotional or sexual abuse, or something else entirely.

Peter Levine is credited with saying: “Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathic witness”.

This can be why, in some situations, people experience a trauma response while others don’t, and particularly why childhood abandonment, abuse and neglect can leave some people with complex PTSD symptoms, sometimes for decades.

Therapy can provide the safe environment and empathic witness to help you process your trauma and learn to understand and manage your distressing symptoms.

Typical benefits you can expect to gain from counselling and psychotherapy include:

  • Developing the confidence to live life the way you’d really like to
  • Improving how you communicate with others
  • Learning ways of managing your symptoms and feelings
  • Understanding the way you relate to yourself, your friends and family

Everyone’s journey is unique to them.  As you start to feel better in the weeks and months ahead, you will hopefully start to feel more optimistic and more able to live each day with greater positivity and energy.

You have already had the courage to look for help. Please pick up the phone or complete the contact form and let’s work together to create a brighter, happier, healthier future for you and your loved ones.


To book a free 20 minute, no obligation, discussion about your therapy needs or to book an appointment, please contact me via the contact form, or by leaving a message on my phone: 07598 237236. I aim to respond to messages within 24 hours when practical to do so.


Tel - 07598 237236


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