Adoption Support counselling

I have recently been awarded a Certificate in Adoption Support Counselling, so as well as other  childhood trauma I am now also able to work with adults, over 21, who have been impacted by the adoption process. This could be birth family members, adoptive family members, foster carers or adoptees themselves. I am an adoptive parent myself and also fostered for many years, caring for children from birth through to 10 years old. I helped to facilitate moving some children back to their birth families or family members, or to adoptive families and others into long term foster care.


As a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, I use a range of tools, including my understanding of Transactional Analysis (TA), Counselling and Psychotherapy and creative activities. I help clients with various feelings, emotions, and behaviours, such as:

  • Low mood
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Suicidal thoughts and self-harm
  • Childhood trauma
  • Despair
  • Feeling like you can’t take much more
  • Difficulty with close personal relationships
  • Panic and anxiety attacks
  • Nightmares or flashbacks
  • Generally feeling out of sorts

You don’t have to be at the end of your tether to seek help. Often, it is better to talk to someone before things become a crisis. If you are over eighteen, I am happy to have an initial chat to see if I can be of service.



Therapy your way

Whilst talking is at the heart of my services, I know that for some people talking alone can feel a difficult and inadequate way to express what is happening to you. So, I offer a range of creative options to help explore how you are feeling.

You might want to draw or paint something, for example, or use the sand tray, make something from clay, use fairy tales or stories to uncover what is going on for you. I am not here to give you the answers, it might not feel like it but you have those within you waiting to be discovered. However, Psychotherapy can give you the tools to explore your thoughts and feelings, get to the root of your issue, and identify ways to feel better.

Therapy isn’t a quick fix, and everyone’s journey is individual. I will usually see you weekly for one-hour sessions.  Some people come to see me for a short period of time, a few weeks, while others come for longer, several months or longer. And if you decide it’s not for you, that’s fine too.

Appointments are available Monday to Wednesday from 9 am to 5 pm, costing £55 per hour.

I have occasional appointments available on a Thursday.

To book a free 20 minute, no obligation, discussion about your therapy needs or to book an appointment, please contact me via the contact form, or by leaving a message on my phone: 07598 237236. I aim to respond to messages within 24 hours when practical to do so.

Tel - 07598 237236


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